Andréa Lobel is a photographer, based in the Netherlands

“I have always been drawn to visual stimuli, I like to look at images, artwork, the sky, people’s faces, and the way light and shadow slide into the room.
At some point, I felt that words couldn’t express to a full extent what I observed.
Either I tried to explain too much or perhaps not enough.

In my photography, I try to communicate my observations which seem hard to capture in words.
By slightly altering, exaggerating, or choosing an unusual perspective, I try to create a joint focus.
My photography is predominantly in monochrome tones.I feel it strengthens the focus and leaves the observation somehow timeless.”

..With great care, she chooses the subject she wants to immortalise and waits for the light conditions to be perfect, to make that gesture, the shot that is sometimes waited for so long. The results are authentic masterpieces, destined to remain in time.
— Salvatore Russo, art curator , contemporary art specialist.